J Lazdins July 2021

Janis K. Lazdins-Helds, M.D., Ph.D.


Physician and biomedical scientist with more than 30 years experience in the discovery and development of medicinal product for treatment of HIV (Atazanavir), malaria (Coartem), helminths (Egaten), cancer and inflammation (immunomodulators). During the academic tenure (Harvard Medical School, NIH) participated in research that contributed to the establishment of the immunological bases of schistosomiasis granuloma formation. In 1998 joined the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases leading product R&D activities (Onchocerciasis, LF, Schistosomiasis, Chagas Disease, African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis) and contributing to the development of the framework for private-public R&D partnerships; member of the WHO secretariat addressing “Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property”; member of the WHO Guidelines Review Committee; editorial adviser for Bulletin of the World Health Organization; member of the WHO team that negotiated the country strategy and plans of actions in several Latin-American countries. After retirement from WHO in 2009, provides advice to NGOs, public sector, academia and industry on technical, political and managerial issues related to R&D in developing countries.